import os
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime
import platform
import numpy as np
import warnings
from packaging.version import parse
from copy import deepcopy
import sofar as sf
from .utils import (_nd_newaxis, _atleast_nd, _get_conventions,
class Sofa():
"""Create a new SOFA object.
convention : str
The name of the convention from which the SOFA file is created. See
mandatory : bool, optional
If ``True``, only the mandatory data of the convention will be
returned. The default is ``False``, which returns mandatory and
optional data.
version : str, optional
The version of the convention as a string, e.g., ``' 2.0'``. The
default is ``'latest'``. Also see :py:func:`~sofar.list_conventions`.
verify : bool, optional
Verify the SOFA object by calling :py:func:`~Sofa.verify`. This helps
to find potential errors in the default values and is thus recommended
If creating a file does not work, try to call `Sofa` with
``verify=False``. The default ``'auto'`` defaults to ``True`` for
stable conventions with versions of 1.0 or higher and to ``False``
sofa : Sofa
A SOFA object filled with the default values of the convention.
Create a new SOFA object with default values
.. code-block:: python
import sofar as sf
# create SOFA object
sofa = sf.Sofa("SimpleFreeFieldHRIR")
Add data as a list
.. code-block:: python
sofa.Data_IR = [1, 1]
Data can be entered as numbers, numpy arrays or lists. Note the following
1. Lists are converted to numpy arrays with at least two dimensions, i.e.,
``sofa.Data_IR`` is converted to a numpy array of shape (1, 2)
2. Missing dimensions are appended when writing the SOFA object to disk,
i.e., ``sofa.Data_IR`` is written as an array of shape (1, 2, 1) because
the SOFA standard AES69 defines it as a three dimensional array
with the dimensions (`M: measurements`, `R: receivers`, `N: samples`)
3. When reading data from a SOFA file, array data is always returned as
numpy arrays and singleton trailing dimensions are discarded (numpy
default). I.e., ``sofa.Data_IR`` will again be an array of shape (1, 2)
after writing and reading to and from disk.
4. One dimensional arrays with only one element will be converted to scalar
values. E.g. ``sofa.Data_SamplingRate`` is stored as an array of shape
(1, ) inside SOFA files (according to the SOFA standard AES69) but
will be a scalar inside SOFA objects after reading from disk.
For more examples refer to the `Quick tour of SOFA and sofar` at
# these have to be set here, because they are used in __setattr__ and
# Python checks if they exist upon class creation
# don't allow adding attributes and deleting/writing read only attributes
_protected = False
# list of read only attributes (filled upon init)
_read_only_attr = []
def __init__(self, convention, mandatory=False, version="latest",
"""See class docstring"""
# get convention
if convention is not None:
self._convention = self._load_convention(convention, version)
# update read only attributes
self._read_only_attr = [
key for key in self._convention.keys()
if self._read_only(self._convention[key]["flags"])]
# add attributes with default values
# set default for verify
version = \
if verify == 'auto':
verify = True if parse(version) >= parse('1.0') else False
# add and update the API
# (mandatory=False can not be verified because some conventions
# have default values that have optional variables as dependencies)
if verify and not mandatory:
# warning for preliminary conventions if verification is bypassed
elif parse(version) < parse('1.0'):
f"Detected preliminary conventions version {version}. "
"Upgrade data to version >= 1.0 if possible. Preliminary "
"conventions might change in the future, which could "
"invalidate data that was written before the changes.")))
self.protected = True
verify = False
self._convention = {}
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value):
# don't allow new attributes to be added outside the class
if self.protected and not hasattr(self, name):
raise TypeError(f"{name} is an invalid attribute")
# don't allow setting read only attributes
if name in self._read_only_attr and self.protected:
raise TypeError((
f"{name} is a read only attribute. Iy you know what you are "
"doing, you can set Sofa.protected = False to write read "
"only data (e.g., to repair corrupted SOFA data)."))
# convert to numpy array or scalar
if not isinstance(value, (str, dict, np.ndarray)) \
and name != "protected":
value = np.atleast_2d(value)
if value.size == 1:
value = value.flatten()[0]
super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __delattr__(self, name: str):
# can't delete non existing attributes
if not hasattr(self, name):
raise TypeError(f"{name} is not an attribute")
# delete anything if not frozen, delete non mandatory
if not self.protected or \
not self._mandatory(self._convention[name]["flags"]):
# check if custom field as to be deleted
if hasattr(self, "_custom"):
if name in self._custom:
raise TypeError(
f"{name} is a mandatory attribute that can not be deleted")
def __repr__(self):
return (f"sofar.SOFA object: {self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions} "
def list_dimensions(self):
Print the dimensions of the SOFA object
See :py:func:`~Sofa.inspect` to see the shapes of the data inside the
SOFA object and :py:func:`~Sofa.get_dimension` to get the size/value
of a specific dimensions as integer number.
The SOFA file standard defines the following dimensions that are used
to define the shape of the data entries:
number of measurements
number of samples, frequencies, SOS coefficients
(depending on self.GLOBAL_DataType)
Number of receivers or SH coefficients
(depending on ReceiverPosition_Type)
Number of emitters or SH coefficients
(depending on EmitterPosition_Type)
Maximum length of a string in a string array
Size of the coordinate dimension. This is always three.
Single dimension. This is always one.
# Check if the dimensions can be updated
# get verbose description for dimension N
if self.GLOBAL_DataType.startswith("FIR"):
N_verbose = "samples"
elif self.GLOBAL_DataType.startswith("TF"):
N_verbose = "frequencies"
elif self.GLOBAL_DataType.startswith("SOS"):
N_verbose = "SOS coefficients"
# get verbose description for dimensions R and E
R_verbose = "receiver spherical harmonics coefficients" if \
'harmonic' in self.ReceiverPosition_Type else "receiver"
E_verbose = "emitter spherical harmonics coefficients" if \
'harmonic' in self.EmitterPosition_Type else "emitter"
dimensions = {
"M": "measurements",
"N": N_verbose,
"R": R_verbose,
"E": E_verbose,
"S": "maximum string length",
"C": "coordinate dimensions, fixed",
"I": "single dimension, fixed"}
info_str = ""
for key, value in self._api.items():
dim_info = dimensions[key] if key in dimensions \
else "custom dimension"
info_str += f"{key} = {value} {dim_info}"
if dim_info != "custom ":
for key2, value2 in self._convention.items():
dim = value2["dimensions"]
if dim is not None and key.lower() in dim:
info_str += \
f" (set by {key2} of dimension {dim.upper()})"
info_str += "\n"
def get_dimension(self, dimension):
Get size of a SOFA dimension
SOFA dimensions specify the shape of the data contained in a SOFA
object. For a list of all dimensions see :py:func:`~list_dimensions`.
dimension : str
The dimension as a string, e.g., ``'N'``.
size : int
the size of the queried dimension.
# Check if the dimensions can be updated
if dimension not in self._api:
raise ValueError((
f"{dimension} is not a valid dimension. "
"See Sofa.list_dimensions for a list of valid dimensions."))
return self._api[dimension]
def _update_dimensions(self):
Call verify and raise an error if the dimensions could not be updated.
used in Sofa.list_dimensions and Sofa.get_dimension
issues = self.verify(issue_handling="return")
if issues is not None and ("data of wrong type" in issues or
"variables of wrong shape" in issues or
not hasattr(self, "_api")):
raise ValueError(("Dimensions can not be shown because variables "
"of wrong type or shape were detected. "
"Call Sofa.verify() for more information."))
def info(self, info="all"):
Print information about the convention of a SOFA object.
Prints the variable type (attribute, double, string), shape, flags
(mandatory, read only) and comment (if any) for each or selected
info : str
Specifies the kind of information that is printed:
``'all'`` ``'mandatory'`` ``'optional'`` ``'read only'`` ``'data'``
Print the name, type, shape, and flags and comment for all or
selected entries of the SOFA object. ``'data'`` does not show
entries of type attribute.
If key is the name of an object attribute, all information for
attribute will be printed.
# warn for upcoming deprecation
' will be deprecated in sofar 1.3.0 The conventions are'
' now documented at '
''), # noqa
# update the private attribute `_convention` to make sure the required
# meta data is in place
if not hasattr(self, "_convention"):
# list of all attributes
keys = [k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
# start printing the information
info_str = (
f"{self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions} "
F"{self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion} "
f"(SOFA version {self.GLOBAL_Version})\n")
info_str += "-" * len(info_str) + "\n"
if info in ["all", "mandatory", "optional", "read only", "data"]:
info_str += f"showing {info} entries : type (shape), flags\n\n"
for key in keys:
# check if field should be skipped
flags = self._convention[key]["flags"]
if (not self._mandatory(flags) and info == "mandatory") \
or \
(self._mandatory(flags) and info == "optional") \
or \
(not self._read_only(flags) and info == "read only") \
or \
(self._convention[key]['type'] == "attribute" and
info == "data"):
info_str += f"{key} : {self._convention[key]['type']}"
if self._convention[key]['dimensions']:
info_str += \
f" ({self._convention[key]['dimensions'].upper()})"
if self._mandatory(flags):
info_str += ", mandatory"
info_str += ", optional"
if self._read_only(flags):
info_str += ", read only"
if self._convention[key]['comment']:
info_str += f"\n {self._convention[key]['comment']}\n"
info_str += "\n"
elif info in keys:
for key in [k for k in keys if info in k]:
comment = str(self._convention[key]['comment'])
info_str += (
f" type: {self._convention[key]['type']}\n"
f" mandatory: "
f" read only: "
f" default: {self._convention[key]['default']}\n"
f" shape: "
f" comment: {comment}\n")
raise ValueError(f"info='{info}' is invalid")
def inspect(self, file=None, issue_handling="print"):
Get information about data inside a SOFA object.
Prints the values of all attributes and variables with six or less
entries and the shapes and type of all numeric and string variables.
When printing the values of arrays, single dimensions are discarded for
easy of display, i.e., an array of shape (1, 3, 2) will be displayed as
an array of shape (3, 2).
file : str
Full path of a file under which the information is to be stored in
plain text. The default ``None`` only print the information to the
issue_handling : str, optional
Defines how issues detected during verification of the SOFA object
are handled (see :py:func:`~sofar.sofar.Sofa.verify`)
Warnings and errors are raised if issues are detected
Issues are printed without raising warnings and errors
Issues are returned as string but neither raised nor printed
Issues are ignored, i.e., not raised, printed, or returned.
The default is ``'print'``.
# update the private attribute `_convention` to make sure the required
# meta data is in place
# list of all attributes
keys = [k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
# start printing the information
info_str = (
f"{self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions} "
F"{self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion} "
f"(SOFA version {self.GLOBAL_Version})\n")
info_str += "-" * len(info_str) + "\n"
for key in keys:
info_str += key + " : "
value = getattr(self, key)
# information for attributes and scalars
if self._convention[key]["type"] == "attribute" or value.size == 1:
info_str += str(value) + "\n"
# information for variables
# get shape and dimension
shape = value.shape
dimension = self._dimensions[key]
# pad shape if required (trailing single dimensions are
# discarded following the numpy default)
while len(shape) < len(dimension):
shape += (1, )
# make verbose shape, e.g., '(M=100, R=2, N=128, '
shape_verbose = "("
for s, d in zip(shape, dimension):
shape_verbose += f"{d}={s}, "
# add shape information
info_str += shape_verbose[:-2] + ")\n"
# add value information if not too much
if value.size < 7:
info_str += " " + \
str(np.squeeze(value)).replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n"
# write to text file
if file is not None:
with open(file, 'w') as f_id:
f_id.write(info_str + "\n")
# output to console
def add_missing(self, mandatory=True, optional=True, verbose=True):
Add missing data with default values.
Data might be missing in SOFA objects if the creator did not include it
or if a new data was suggested for a newer version of a SOFA
convention. Use this function to add the data with its default values.
mandatory : Bool
Add missing mandatory data. The default is ``True``.
optional : Bool
Add missing optional data. The default is ``True``.
verbose : Bool
Print the information about added data to the console. The default
is ``True``.
# initialize
added = "Added the following missing data with their default values:\n"
# current data
keys = [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith("_")]
self.protected = False
# loop data in convention
for key in self._convention.keys():
is_mandatory = self._mandatory(self._convention[key]["flags"])
add_data = (is_mandatory and mandatory) or \
(not is_mandatory and optional)
# add with default
if key not in keys and add_data:
setattr(self, key, self._convention[key]["default"])
added += f"- {key} "
added += f"({'mandatory' if is_mandatory else 'optional'})\n"
self.protected = True
if verbose:
if "-" in added:
print("All mandatory data contained.")
def add_variable(self, name, value, dtype, dimensions):
Add custom variable to the SOFA object, i.e., numeric or string arrays.
name : str
Name of the new variable.
value : any
value to be added (see `dtype` for restrictions).
dtype : str
Type of the entry to be added in netCDF style:
Use this to store numeric data that can be provided as number
list or numpy array.
Use this to store string variables as numpy string arrays of
type ``'U'`` or ``'S'``.
dimensions : str
The shape of the new entry as a string. See
.. code-block:: python
import sofar as sf
sofa = sf.Sofa("GeneralTF")
# add numeric data
sofa.add_variable("Temperature", 25.1, "double", "MI")
# add GLOBAL and Variable attribute
"GLOBAL_DateMeasured", "8.08.2021", "attribute", None)
"Temperature_Units", "degree Celsius", "attribute", None)
# add a string data
"Comment", "Measured with wind screen", "string", "MS")
self._add_entry(name, value, dtype, dimensions)
def add_attribute(self, name, value):
Add custom attribute to the SOFA object.
name : str
Name of the new attribute.
value : str
value to be added.
.. code-block:: python
import sofar as sf
sofa = sf.Sofa("GeneralTF")
# add GLOBAL and Variable attribute
sofa.add_attribute("GLOBAL_DateMeasured", "8.08.2021")
sofa.add_attribute("Data_Real_Units", "Pascal")
self._add_entry(name, value, 'attribute', None)
def delete(self, name):
Delete variable or attribute from SOFA object.
Note that mandatory data can not be deleted. Check the
`sofar documentation
for a complete list of optional variables and attributes.
name : str
Name of the variable or attribute to be deleted
delattr(self, name)
def protected(self):
If Sofa.protected is ``True``, read only data can not be changed. Only
change this to ``False`` if you know what you are doing, e.g., if you
need to repair corrupted SOFA data.
return self._protected
def protected(self, value: bool):
If Sofa.protected is ``True``, read only data can not be changed. Only
change this to ``False`` if you know what you are doing, e.g., if you
need to repair corrupted SOFA data.
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise ValueError("Sofa.protected can only be True or False")
self._protected = value
def _add_entry(self, name, value, dtype, dimensions):
Add custom data to a SOFA object. See add_variable and add_attribute
for more information.
# check input
if hasattr(self, name):
raise ValueError(f"Entry {name} already exists")
if dtype not in ["attribute", "double", "string"]:
raise ValueError(
f"dtype is {dtype} but must be attribute, double, or string")
if "_" in name and dtype != "attribute":
raise ValueError(("underscores '_' in the name are only "
"allowed for attributes"))
if dtype == "attribute":
if name.count("_") != 1 or \
(name.startswith("Data_") and (name.count("_") == 0 or
name.count("_") > 2)):
raise ValueError((f"The name of {name} must have the "
"form VariableName_AttributeName"))
if not name.startswith("GLOBAL_") and \
name[:name.rindex("_")] not in self._convention:
raise ValueError((f"Adding Attribute {name} requires "
f"variable {name[:name.rindex('_')]}"))
if dimensions is None and dtype != "attribute":
raise ValueError(("dimensions must be provided for entries of "
"dtype double and string"))
if dimensions is not None:
dimensions = dimensions.upper()
for dimension in dimensions:
if dimension not in "ERMNCIS":
f"Added custom dimension {dimensions} to SOFA object")
# add attribute to class
self._add_custom_api_entry(name, value, None, dimensions, dtype)
def _add_custom_api_entry(self, key, value, flags, dimensions, dtype):
Add custom entry to the sofa._convention and permanently save it in
key : str
name of the entry
value: any
Value of the entry
flags, dimensions, dtype : any
as in sofa._convention
dimensions : string
Dimensions in case of numeric or string array
dtype : string
double, string, or attribute
# create custom API if it not exists
self.protected = False
# lower case letters to indicate custom dimensions
if dimensions is not None:
dimensions = [d.upper() if d.upper() in "ERMNCIS" else d.lower()
for d in dimensions]
dimensions = "".join(dimensions)
# add user entry to custom API, if not contained in the convention
if not hasattr(self, "_convention") or key not in self._convention:
if not hasattr(self, "_custom"):
self._custom = {}
self._custom[key] = {
"flags": flags,
"dimensions": dimensions,
"type": dtype,
"default": None,
"comment": ""}
self._convention[key] = self._custom[key]
# add attribute to object
setattr(self, key, value)
self.protected = True
def upgrade_convention(self, target=None, verify='auto'):
Upgrade Sofa data to newer conventions.
Calling this with the default arguments returns a list of possible
conventions to which the data will be upgraded. If the data is up to
date the list will be empty.
target : str, optional
The convention and version to which the data should be upgraded as
a string. For example ``'SimpleFreeFieldHRIR_1.0'`` would upgrade
the data to the SOFA-Convention `SimpleFreeFieldHRIR` version 1.0.
The default is ``None`` which returns a list of possible
conventions to which the data can be updated.
verify : bool, optional
Flag to specify if the data should be verified after the upgrade
using :py:func:`~Sofa.verify`. The default ``'auto'`` defaults to
``True`` for stable conventions with versions of 1.0 or higher and
to ``False`` otherwise.
target : list of strings
List with available conventions to which the data can be updated.
If the data is up to data, the list will be empty. `target` is only
returned if `target` is ``None``.
# check input ---------------------------------------------------------
# get deprecations and information about Sofa object
_, _, deprecations, upgrade = self._verification_rules()
convention_current = self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions
version_current = self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion
sofa_version_current = self.GLOBAL_Version
# check if convention is deprecated -----------------------------------
is_deprecated = False
if convention_current in deprecations["GLOBAL:SOFAConventions"]:
is_deprecated = True
elif convention_current in upgrade:
for from_to in upgrade[convention_current]["from_to"]:
if version_current in from_to[0]:
is_deprecated = True
# check for upgrades --------------------------------------------------
if is_deprecated:
# check if upgrade is available for this convention
if convention_current not in upgrade:
print((f"Convention {convention_current} v{version_current} is"
" outdated but is missing upgrade rules"))
# check if upgrade is available for this version
for from_to in upgrade[convention_current]["from_to"]:
if version_current in from_to[0]:
targets = from_to[1]
if target in targets:
target_id = from_to[2]
if target is not None:
print(f"{target} is invalid.")
upgrades = (
f"{convention_current} v{version_current} "
"can be upgraded to:\n")
for t in targets:
t = t.split("_")
upgrades += f"- {t[0]} v{t[1]}\n"
return targets
print((f"Convention {convention_current} v{version_current} "
"is up to date"))
# get information to upgrade ------------------------------------------
upgrade = upgrade[self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions][target_id]
convention_target, version_target = target.split("_")
# upgrade -------------------------------------------------------------
self._convention = self._load_convention(
convention_target, version_target)
sofa_version_target = self._convention["GLOBAL_Version"]["default"]
print((f"Upgrading {convention_current} v{version_current} to "
f"{convention_target} v{version_target} (SOFA version "
f"{sofa_version_current} to {sofa_version_target})"))
# upgrade convention
keys = ["GLOBAL_SOFAConventions",
self.protected = False
for key in keys:
setattr(self, key, self._convention[key]["default"])
# move data
for source, move in upgrade["move"].items():
# get info
source_sofar = source.replace(".", '_').replace(":", "_")
target_sofar = move["target"].replace(".", '_').replace(":", "_")
move_info = f"- Moving {source_sofar} to {target_sofar}."
# get data
data = getattr(self, source_sofar)
# delete from Sofa object
delattr(self, source_sofar)
# Check move axis
moveaxis = upgrade["move"][source]["moveaxis"]
if moveaxis is not None:
# add dimensions if required
# (sofar discards trailing singular dimensions)
while data.ndim < np.max(moveaxis) + 1:
data = data[..., None]
# move the axis
data = np.moveaxis(data, moveaxis[0], moveaxis[1])
move_info += f" Moving axis {moveaxis[0]} to {moveaxis[1]}."
# Check deprecated dimensions
deprecated_dimensions = \
if deprecated_dimensions is not None:
move_info += (
f" WARNING: Dimensions {', '.join(deprecated_dimensions)} "
"are now deprecated.")
# add data
setattr(self, target_sofar, data)
# print info
if not upgrade["move"]:
print("- No data to move")
# remove data
for target in upgrade["remove"]:
target_sofar = target.replace(".", '_').replace(":", "_")
delattr(self, target_sofar)
print(f"- Deleting {target_sofar}.")
if not upgrade["remove"]:
print("- No data to remove")
# check for missing mandatory data
self.add_missing(True, False)
self.protected = True
# display general message
if upgrade["message"] is not None:
# set default for verify
if verify == 'auto':
version = self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion
verify = True if parse(version) >= parse('1.0') else False
if verify:
def verify(self, issue_handling="raise", mode="write"):
Verify a SOFA object against the SOFA standard.
This function updates the API, and checks the following
- Are all mandatory data contained? If `issue_handling` is ``"raise"``
missing mandatory data raises an error. Otherwise mandatory data are
added with their default value and a warning is given.
- Are the names of variables and attributes in accordance to the SOFA
- Are the data types in accordance with the SOFA standard?
- Are the dimensions of the variables consistent and in accordance
to the SOFA standard?
- Are the values of attributes consistent and in accordance to the
SOFA standard?
A detailed set of validation rules can be found at
.. note::
:py:func:`~verify` is automatically called when you create a new
SOFA object, read a SOFA file from disk, and write a SOFA file to
disk (using the default parameters).
The API of a SOFA object consists of four parts, that are stored
dictionaries in private attributes. This is required for writing data
with :py:func:`~sofa.write_sofa` and should usually not be manipulated
outside of :py:func:`~verify`
The SOFA convention with default values, variable dimensions, flags
and comments. These data are read from the official SOFA
conventions contained in the SOFA Matlab/Octave API.
The detected dimensions of the data inside the SOFA object.
The size of the dimensions (see py:func:`~list_dimensions`). This
specifies the dimensions of the data inside the SOFA object.
Stores information of custom variables that are not defined by the
convention. The format is the same as in `self._convention`.
issue_handling : str, optional
Defines how detected issues are handled
Warnings and errors are raised if issues are detected
Issues are printed without raising warnings and errors
Issues are returned as string but neither raised nor printed
The default is ``'raise'``.
mode : str, optional
The SOFA standard is more strict for writing data than for reading
All units (e.g. 'meter') must be written be lower case.
Units can contain upper case letters (e.g. 'Meter')
The default is ``'write'``
issues : str, None
Detected issues as a string. None if no issues were detected. Note
that this is only returned if ``issue_handling='return'`` (see
# NOTE: This function collects warnings and errors and tries to output
# them in a block. This makes the code slightly more complicated but
# is more convenient for the user and with respect to a potential
# future web based tool for verifying SOFA files.
# initialize warning and error messages
error_msg = "\nERRORS\n------\n"
warning_msg = "\nWARNINGS\n--------\n"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0. update the convention
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. check if the mandatory attributes are contained
missing = ""
keys = [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith("_")]
for key in self._convention.keys():
if self._mandatory(self._convention[key]["flags"]) \
and key not in keys:
if issue_handling != "raise":
# add missing data with default value
self.protected = False
setattr(self, key, self._convention[key]["default"])
self.protected = True
# prepare to raise warning
missing += "- " + key + "\n"
if missing:
if issue_handling == "raise":
error_msg += ("Detected missing mandatory data "
"call sofa.add_missing() to fix this):\n")
error_msg += missing
warning_msg += "Added mandatory data with default values:\n"
warning_msg += missing
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2. verify data type
current_error = ""
for key in keys:
# handle dimensions
dimensions = self._convention[key]["dimensions"]
dtype = self._convention[key]["type"]
# check data type
value = getattr(self, key)
if dtype == "attribute":
if not isinstance(value, str):
current_error += \
f"- {key} must be string but is {type(value)}\n"
elif dtype == "double":
# All variables can be of type float or int, and are converted
# to float when writing.
# sofar does not force the user to pass data as numpy arrays.
# We thus check for allowed instances (int, float, numpy) and
# specifically for the type of numpy arrays.
if not isinstance(
value, (int, float, np.ndarray, np.number)) or \
(isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.number)) and
value.dtype.kind not in ['i', 'f']):
current_error += (f"- {key} must be int or float "
f"but is {type(value)}\n")
elif dtype == "string":
# multiple checks needed because sofar does not force the user
# to initially pass data as numpy arrays
if not isinstance(value, (str, np.ndarray)):
current_error += (f"- {key} must be string or numpy array "
f"but is {type(value)}\n")
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and not (
str(value.dtype).startswith('<U') or
current_error += (f"- {key} must be U or S "
f"but is {type(value.dtype)}\n")
# Could only be tested by manipulating JSON convention files
# (Could take different data types in the future and convert to
# numpy double arrays.)
current_error += (
f"- {key}: Error in convention. Type must be "
f"double, string, or attribute but is {dtype}\n")
if current_error:
error_msg += "Detected data of wrong type:\n"
error_msg += current_error
# if an error ocurred up to here, it has to be handled. Otherwise
# detecting the dimensions might fail. Warnings are not reported until
# the end
if error_msg != "\nERRORS\n------\n" and issue_handling != "ignore":
_, issues = self._verify_handle_issues(
"\nWARNINGS\n--------\n", error_msg, issue_handling)
if issue_handling == "print":
else: # (issue_handling == "return"):
return issues
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3. Verify names of entries
# check attributes without variables
current_error = ""
for key in keys:
if self._convention[key]["type"] != "attribute" or \
key.count("_") == 0:
if (key[:key.rindex("_")] not in self._convention and
not key.startswith("GLOBAL_")):
current_error += "- " + key + "\n"
if current_error:
error_msg += "Detected attributes with missing variables:\n"
error_msg += current_error
# check number of underscores
current_error = ""
for key in keys:
if self._convention[key]["type"] != "attribute":
# the case above caught attributes with too many underscores
if key.count("_") == 0:
current_error += "- " + key + "\n"
if current_error:
error_msg += (
"Detected attribute names with too many or little underscores."
" Names must have the form Variable_Attribute, Data_Attribute "
"(one underscore), or Data_Variable_Attribute (two "
error_msg += current_error
# check numeric variables
current_error = ""
for key in keys:
if self._convention[key]["type"] == "attribute":
if "_" in key.replace("Data_", ""):
current_error += "- " + key + "\n"
if current_error:
error_msg += (
"Detected variable names with too many underscores."
"Underscores are only allowed for the variable Data:\n")
error_msg += current_error
# check reserved names
current_error = ""
for key in keys:
# AES69 Sec. 4.7.1
if key.startswith("PRIVATE") or key.startswith("API"):
current_error += "- " + key + "\n"
if (key.startswith("GLOBAL") and not key.startswith("GLOBAL_")) or\
(key.startswith("GLOBAL") and
self._convention[key]["type"] != "attribute"):
current_error += "- " + key + "\n"
if current_error:
error_msg += (
"Detected variable or attribute with reserved key words "
error_msg += current_error
# check names of custom data (shall not have the same name as
# normative data contained in the convention AES69-2022 Sec. 5.3)
current_error = ""
if hasattr(self, "_custom"):
# get normative variables and attributes
normative = sf.Sofa(
normative = [n.replace("GLOBAL_", "") for n in normative]
# compare against custom
for key in self._custom.keys():
if key.replace("GLOBAL_", "") in normative:
current_error += "- " + key + "\n"
if current_error:
error_msg += (
"Detected custom variable or attribute with reserved names. "
"Custom data shall not have the same name as data contained in"
" the convention itself:\n")
error_msg += current_error
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4. Get dimensions (E, R, M, N, S, c, I, and custom)
# initialize required API fields
self.protected = False
self._dimensions = {}
self._api = {}
self.protected = True
# get keys for checking the dimensions (all SOFA variables)
keys = [key for key in self.__dict__.keys()
if key in self._convention
and self._convention[key]["dimensions"] is not None]
if hasattr(self, "_custom"):
keys_custom = [key for key in self._custom.keys()
if not key.startswith("_")
and self._custom[key]["dimensions"] is not None]
keys += keys_custom
S = 0
for key in keys:
value = getattr(self, key)
dimensions = self._convention[key]["dimensions"]
# - dimensions are given as string, e.g., 'mRN', or 'IC, MC'
# - defined by lower case letters in `dimensions`
for id, dim in enumerate(dimensions.split(", ")[0]):
if dim not in "ICS" and dim.islower():
# numeric data
self._api[dim.upper()] = \
_nd_newaxis(value, 4).shape[id]
if dim == "S":
# string data
S = max(S, np.max(self._get_size_and_shape_of_string_var(
value, key)[0]))
# add fixed sizes
self._api["C"] = 3
self._api["I"] = 1
self._api["S"] = S
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5. verify dimensions of data
current_error = ""
for key in keys:
# handle dimensions
dimensions = self._convention[key]["dimensions"]
dtype = self._convention[key]["type"]
# get value and actual shape
value = getattr(self, key).copy()
except AttributeError:
value = getattr(self, key)
if dtype in ["attribute", "string"]:
# string or string array like data
shape_act = self._get_size_and_shape_of_string_var(
value, key)[1]
elif len(dimensions.split(",")[0]) > 1:
# multidimensional array like data
shape_act = _atleast_nd(value, 4).shape
# scalar of single dimensional array like data
shape_act = (np.array(value).size, )
shape_matched = False
for dim in dimensions.split(", "):
# get the reference shape ('S' translates to a shape of 1,
# because the strings are stored in an array whose shape does
# not reflect the max. lengths of the actual strings inside it)
shape_ref = tuple(
[self._api[d.upper()] if d != "S" else 1 for d in dim])
# get shape for comparison to correct length by cropping and
# appending singleton dimensions if required
shape_compare = shape_act[:len(shape_ref)]
for _ in range(len(shape_ref) - len(shape_compare)):
shape_compare += (1, )
# check if the shapes match and write to API
if shape_compare == shape_ref:
shape_matched = True
self._dimensions[key] = dim.upper()
if not shape_matched:
# get possible dimensions in verbose form, i.e., "(M=2, C=3)""
dimensions_verbose = []
for dim in dimensions.upper().replace(" ", "").split(","):
f"({', '.join([f'{d}={self._api[d]}' for d in dim])})")
current_error += (
f"- {key} has shape {shape_compare} but must "
f"have {', '.join(dimensions_verbose)}\n")
if current_error:
error_msg += "Detected variables of wrong shape:\n"
error_msg += current_error
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6. check restrictions on the content of SOFA files
rules, unit_aliases, deprecations, _ = self._verification_rules()
current_error = ""
for key in rules.keys():
# convert to sofar format
key_sofar = key.replace(".", "_").replace(":", "_")
if not hasattr(self, key_sofar):
# actual and possible values for the current key
test = getattr(self, key_sofar)
ref = rules[key]["value"]
# test if the value is valid
if not self._verify_value(test, ref, unit_aliases, key_sofar):
current_error += (f"- {key_sofar} is {test} "
f"but must be {', '.join(ref)}\n")
# get lower case value for of test for verifying specific
# dependencies
if isinstance(test, str) and test.lower() in \
["cartesian", "spherical", "spherical harmonics"]:
test = test.lower()
# check general dependencies
items = rules[key]["general"] if "general" in rules[key] else []
for key_dep in items:
# convert key to sofar format
key_dep = key_dep.replace(".", "_").replace(":", "_")
# check if dependency is contained in SOFA object hard to test,
# for mandatory fields (added by sofar by default).
if not hasattr(self, key_dep):
current_error += (f"- {key_dep} must be given if "
f"{key_sofar} is in SOFA object\n")
# check specific dependencies
if "specific" in rules[key] \
and test in rules[key]["specific"]:
items = rules[key]["specific"][test].items()
items = {}.items()
for key_dep, ref_dep in items:
if key_dep == "_dimensions":
# requires specific dimension(s) to have a certain size
for dim in rules[key]["specific"][test]["_dimensions"]:
# possible sizes
dim_ref = \
rules[key]["specific"][test]["_dimensions"][dim]["value"] # noqa
# current size
dim_act = self._api[dim]
# verbose error string for possible sizes
dim_str = \
rules[key]["specific"][test]["_dimensions"][dim]["value_str"] # noqa
# perform the check
if dim_act not in dim_ref:
current_error += \
(f"- Dimension {dim} is of size {dim_act} "
f"but must be {dim_str} if {key_sofar} "
f"is {test}\n")
# convert name from NetCDF format to sofar format
key_dep_sofar = key_dep.replace(".", "_").replace(":", "_")
# check if dependency is contained in SOFA object
if not hasattr(self, key_dep_sofar):
current_error += (f"- {key_dep_sofar} must be given if"
f" {key_sofar} is {test}\n")
# check if dependency has the correct value
if ref_dep is None:
# convert name from NetCDF format to sofar format
test_dep = getattr(self, key_dep_sofar)
if not self._verify_value(
test_dep, ref_dep, unit_aliases, key_dep_sofar):
current_error += (
f"- {key_dep_sofar} is {test_dep} but must be "
f"{', '.join(ref_dep)} if {key_sofar} is {test}\n")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7. check write only restrictions: units shall be in lower-case
# (could be tested in _verify_unit but this way a more verbose error
# message can be generated)
if mode == "write":
keys = [k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if k.endswith("Units")]
for key in keys:
unit = getattr(self, key)
if unit.lower() != unit:
current_error += (f"- {key} is {unit} but must contain "
"only lower case letters when writing "
"SOFA files to disk.\n")
if current_error:
error_msg += "Detected violations of the SOFA convention:\n"
error_msg += current_error
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 8. check deprecations
# (so far there are only deprecations for the convention)
if self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions in \
msg = ("Detected deprecations:\n"
f"- GLOBAL_SOFAConventions is "
f"{self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions}, which is deprecated. Use "
"Sofa.upgrade_convention() to upgrade to "
f"{deprecations['GLOBAL:SOFAConventions'][self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions]}") # noqa
if mode == "write":
error_msg += msg
warning_msg += msg
# warn if preliminary conventions versions are used
if float(self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion) < 1.0:
warning_msg += (
"\n\nDetected preliminary conventions version "
f"{self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion}:\n - Upgrade data to "
"version >= 1.0 if possible. Preliminary conventions might "
"change in the future, which could invalidate data that was "
"written before the changes.")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# 9. handle warnings and errors
if issue_handling != "ignore":
error_occurred, issues = self._verify_handle_issues(
warning_msg, error_msg, issue_handling)
if error_occurred:
if issue_handling == "print":
elif issue_handling == "return":
return issues
def _verify_value(test, ref, unit_aliases, key):
Check a value against the SOFA standard for Sofa.verify()
test :
the value under test
ref :
the value enforced by the SOFA standard
unit_aliases :
dict of aliases for units from _verification_rules()
key :
The name of the current attribute, e.g., "GLOBAL_DataType"
``True`` if `test` and `ref` agree, ``False`` otherwise
# General case of valid value
if ref is None or test in ref:
return True
# only string data should remain for verification
if not isinstance(test, str):
raise TypeError((
"At this point, only string data should remain. Please report "
"the issue:"))
# case sensitive check for DataType and SOFAConventions
if key in ["GLOBAL_DataType", "GLOBAL_SOFAConventions"]:
if test in ref:
return True
return False
# general case insensitive test
test = test.lower()
if test in ref:
return True
# if we are not checking a unit, the test value is invalid
if key.endswith("Units"):
return sf.Sofa._verify_unit(test, ref, unit_aliases)
return False
def _verify_unit(test, ref, unit_aliases):
Verify if a unit string agrees with AES69
test : string
Current unit string (single units or multiple units separated by
commas, commas plus spaces, or spaces).
ref : list
List of length one containing the LOWER reference case unit string,
i.e., only the keys from unit_aliases are allowed words.
unit_aliases : dict
dict of aliases for units from _verification_rules()
verified : bool
# check format of reference units
if not isinstance(ref, list) \
or len(ref) != 1 \
or not isinstance(ref[0], str):
raise TypeError("ref must be a list of length 1 containing a str")
# Following the SOFA standard AES69, units may be separated by
# `, ` (comma and space), `,` (comma only), and ` ` (space only).
# (regexp ', ?' matches ', ' and ',')
units_ref = re.split(', ?', ref[0])
units_test = re.split(', ?', test)
# check if number of units agree
if len(units_ref) != len(units_test):
return False
# check if units are valid
for unit_test, unit_ref in zip(units_test, units_ref):
if unit_test not in unit_aliases \
or unit_aliases[unit_test] != unit_ref:
return False
return True
def _get_reference_unit(test, unit_aliases):
Return units in reference for, .e.g.,
"meter" is converted to "metre" and
"degrees degrees,meter" is converted to "degree, degree, metre"
test : string
Current unit string MUST be valid, i.e., tested with
Sofa._verify_unit (single units or multiple units separated by
commas, commas plus spaces, or spaces).
unit_aliases : dict
dict of aliases for units from _verification_rules()
reference_units : str
# Following the SOFA standard AES69, units may be separated by
# `, ` (comma and space), `,` (comma only), and ` ` (space only).
# (regexp ', ?' matches ', ' and ',')
units_test = re.split(', ?| ', test.lower())
# get list of reference units
units = [unit_aliases[u] for u in units_test]
# get reference unit string
units = ", ".join(units) if units[0] != "cubic" else " ".join(units)
return units
def _verify_handle_issues(warning_msg, error_msg, issue_handling):
"""Handle warnings and errors from Sofa.verify"""
# handle warnings
if warning_msg != "\nWARNINGS\n--------\n":
if issue_handling == "raise":
elif issue_handling == "print":
warning_msg = None
# handle errors
if error_msg != "\nERRORS\n------\n":
if issue_handling == "raise":
raise ValueError(error_msg)
elif issue_handling == "print":
error_msg = None
# flag indicating if an error occurred
error_occurred = error_msg is not None
# verbose issue message
if warning_msg and error_msg:
issues = error_msg + "\n" + warning_msg
elif warning_msg:
issues = warning_msg
elif error_msg:
issues = error_msg
issues = None
return error_occurred, issues
def _verification_rules():
Return dictionaries to verify SOFA objects in Sofa.verify(). For
detailed information see folder 'sofa_conventions'.
rules : dict
All general and specific verification rules
unit_aliases : dict
Aliases for specific units allowed in SOFA
deprecations : dict
Deprecated conventions and their substitute
upgrade : dict
Rules for upgrading deprecated conventions
base = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "sofa_conventions", "rules")
with open(os.path.join(base, "rules.json"), "r") as file:
rules = json.load(file)
with open(os.path.join(base, "unit_aliases.json"), "r") as file:
unit_aliases = json.load(file)
with open(os.path.join(base, "deprecations.json"), "r") as file:
deprecations = json.load(file)
with open(os.path.join(base, "upgrade.json"), "r") as file:
upgrade = json.load(file)
return rules, unit_aliases, deprecations, upgrade
def copy(self):
"""Return a copy of the SOFA object."""
return deepcopy(self)
def _reset_convention(self):
- Add SOFA convention to SOFA object in private attribute
`_convention`. If The object already contains a convention, it will
be overwritten.
- If the SOFA object contains custom entries, check if any of the
custom entries part of the convention. If yes, delete the entry from
- If the SOFA objects contains custom entries, add entries from
self._custom to self._convention
# verify convention and version
c_current = self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventions
v_current = str(self.GLOBAL_SOFAConventionsVersion)
_verify_convention_and_version(v_current, c_current)
# load and add convention and version
convention = self._load_convention(
c_current, v_current)
self._convention = convention
if hasattr(self, "_custom"):
# check of custom fields can be removed
for key in self._convention:
if key in self._custom:
del self._custom[key]
# check if custom fields can be added
for key in self._custom:
self._convention[key] = self._custom[key]
def _load_convention(self, convention, version):
Load SOFA convention from json file.
convention : str
The name of the convention from which the SOFA file is created. See
version : str
Use the latest API and upgrade the SOFA file if required.
Version string, e.g., ``'1.0'``.
convention : dict
The SOFA convention as a dictionary
# check input
if not isinstance(convention, str):
raise TypeError(("Convention must be a string "
f"but is of type {type(convention)}"))
# get and check path to json file
paths = _get_conventions("path")
path = [path for path in paths
if os.path.basename(path).startswith(convention + "_")]
if not len(path):
raise ValueError(
(f"Convention '{convention}' not found. See "
"sofar.list_conventions() for available conventions."))
# get available versions as strings
versions = [p.split('_')[-1][:-5] for p in path]
# select the correct version
if version == "latest":
versions = np.array([float(v) for v in versions])
path = path[np.argmax(versions)]
if version not in versions:
raise ValueError((
f"Version {version} not found. "
f"Available versions are {versions}"))
path = path[versions.index(version)]
# read convention from json file
with open(path, "r") as file:
convention = json.load(file)
# replace ':' and '.' in key names by '_'
convention = {
key.replace(':', '_'): value for key, value in convention.items()}
convention = {
key.replace('.', '_'): value for key, value in convention.items()}
return convention
def _convention_to_sofa(self, mandatory):
Use SOFA convention to create attributes with default values.
mandatory : bool
Flag to indicate if only mandatory fields are to be included.
# populate the SOFA file
for key in self._convention.keys():
# skip optional fields if requested
if not self._mandatory(self._convention[key]["flags"]) \
and mandatory:
# get the default value
default = self._convention[key]["default"]
if isinstance(default, list):
ndim = len(self._convention[key]["dimensions"].split(", ")[0])
default = _atleast_nd(default, ndim)
# create attribute with default value
setattr(self, key, default)
# write API and date specific fields (some read only)
now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
self.protected = False
self.GLOBAL_DateCreated = now
self.GLOBAL_DateModified = now
self.GLOBAL_APIName = "sofar SOFA API for Python ("
self.GLOBAL_APIVersion = sf.version()
self.GLOBAL_ApplicationName = "Python"
self.GLOBAL_ApplicationVersion = (
f"{platform.python_version()} "
f"[{platform.python_implementation()} - "
self.protected = True
def _get_size_and_shape_of_string_var(value, key):
String variables can be strings, list of strings, or numpy arrays of
strings. This functions returns the length of the longest string S
inside the string variable and the shape of the string variable as
required by the SOFA definition. Note that the shape is the shape of
the array that holds the strings. NETCDF stores all string variables in
if isinstance(value, str):
S = len(value)
shape = (1, 1)
elif isinstance(value, list):
S = len(max(value, key=len))
shape = np.array(value).shape
elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
S = max(np.vectorize(len)(value))
shape = value.shape
raise TypeError((f"{key} must be a string, numpy string array, "
"or list of strings"))
return S, shape
def _mandatory(flags):
Check if a field is mandatory
flags : None, str
The flags from convention[key]["flags"]
is_mandatory : bool
# skip optional fields if requested
if flags is None:
is_mandatory = False
elif "m" not in flags:
is_mandatory = False
is_mandatory = True
return is_mandatory
def _read_only(flags):
Check if a field is read only
flags : None, str
The flags from convention[key]["flags"]
is_read_only : bool
# skip optional fields if requested
if flags is None:
is_read_only = False
elif "r" not in flags:
is_read_only = False
is_read_only = True
return is_read_only