from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
class SofaStream():
Read desired data from SOFA-file directly from disk without loading entire
file into memory.
:class:`SofaStream` opens a SOFA-file and retrieves only the requested
If you want to use all the data from a SOFA-file use :class:`Sofa`
class and :func:`read_sofa` function instead.
filename : str
Full path to a SOFA-file
sofa_stream : SofaStream
A SofaStream object which reads directly from the file.
Get an attribute from a SOFA-file:
>>> import sofar as sf
>>> filename = "path/to/file.sofa"
>>> with sf.SofaStream(filename) as file:
>>> data = file.GLOBAL_RoomType
>>> print(data)
free field
Get a variable from a SOFA-file:
>>> with SofaStream(filename) as file:
>>> data = file.Data_IR
>>> print(data)
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
float64 Data.IR(M, R, N)
unlimited dimensions:
current shape = (11950, 2, 256)
filling on, default _FillValue of 9.969209968386869e+36 used
What is returned is a `netCDF-variable`. To access the values (in this
example the IRs) the variable needs to be sliced:
>>> with SofaStream(filename) as file:
>>> data = file.Data_IR
>>> # get all values
>>> all_irs = data[:]
>>> print(all_irs.shape)
(11950, 2, 256)
>>> # get data from first channel
>>> specific_irs = data[:,0,:]
>>> print(specific_irs.shape)
(11950, 256)
def __init__(self, filename):
"""Initialize a new SofaStream object (see documentation above)"""
self._filename = filename
def __enter__(self):
Executed when entering a ``with`` statement
(see documentation above).
self._file = Dataset(self._filename, mode="r")
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
Executed when exiting a ``with`` statement
(see documentation above).
def __getattr__(self, name):
Executed when accessing data within a with statement
(see documentation above)."""
# get netCDF4-attributes and -variable-keys from SOFA-file
dset_variables = np.array([key for key in self._file.variables.keys()])
dset_attributes = np.asarray(self._file.ncattrs())
# remove delimiter from passed sofar-attribute
name_netcdf = name.replace(
'GLOBAL_', '').replace('Data_', 'Data.')
# Handle variable-attributes (e.g. '_Units' and '_Type')
var_attr = None
if "_" in name_netcdf:
name_netcdf, var_attr = name_netcdf.split('_')
# get value if passed attribute points to a netCDF4-variable
if name_netcdf in dset_variables:
# get variable from SOFA-file
self._data = self._file.variables[name_netcdf]
if var_attr is not None:
self._data = getattr(self._data, var_attr)
# get value if passed attribute points to a netCDF4-attribute
elif name_netcdf in dset_attributes:
# get attribute value from SOFA-file
self._data = self._file.getncattr(name_netcdf)
raise AttributeError(f"{name} is not contained in SOFA-file")
return self._data
def list_dimensions(self):
Print the dimensions of the SOFA-file
See :py:func:`~SofaStream.inspect` to see the shapes of the data inside
the SOFA-file and :py:func:`~SofaStream.get_dimension` to get the
size/value of a specific dimensions as integer number.
The SOFA standard defines the following dimensions that are used
to define the shape of the data entries:
number of measurements
number of samples, frequencies, SOS coefficients
(depending on GLOBAL_DataType)
Number of receivers or SH coefficients
(depending on ReceiverPosition_Type)
Number of emitters or SH coefficients
(depending on EmitterPosition_Type)
Maximum length of a string in a string array
Size of the coordinate dimension. This is always three.
Single dimension. This is always one.
dim = self._file.dimensions
# get verbose description for dimesion N
if self._file.getncattr('DataType').startswith("FIR"):
N_verbose = "samples"
elif self._file.getncattr('DataType').startswith("TF"):
N_verbose = "frequencies"
elif self._file.getncattr('DataType').startswith("SOS"):
N_verbose = "SOS coefficients"
# get verbose description for dimensions R and E
R_verbose = (
"receiver spherical harmonics coefficients"
if 'harmonic'
in self._file.variables['ReceiverPosition'].getncattr('Type')
else "receiver"
E_verbose = (
"emitter spherical harmonics coefficients"
if 'harmonic'
in self._file.variables['EmitterPosition'].getncattr('Type')
else "emitter"
dimensions = {
"M": "measurements",
"N": N_verbose,
"R": R_verbose,
"E": E_verbose,
"S": "maximum string length",
"C": "coordinate dimensions, fixed",
"I": "single dimension, fixed"}
info_str = ""
for key, value in dim.items():
value = value.size
dim_info = dimensions[key] if key in dimensions \
else "custom dimension"
info_str += f"{key} = {value} {dim_info}" + '\n'
def get_dimension(self, dimension):
Get size of a SOFA dimension
SOFA dimensions specify the shape of the data contained in a SOFA-file.
For a list of all dimensions see :py:func:`~list_dimensions`, for more
information about the data contained in a SOFA-file use
dimension : str
The dimension as a string, e.g., ``'N'``.
size : int
the size of the queried dimension.
# get dimensons from SOFA-file
dims = self._file.dimensions
if dimension not in dims.keys():
raise ValueError((
f"{dimension} is not a valid dimension. "
"See Sofa.list_dimensions for a list of valid dimensions."))
return dims[dimension].size
def inspect(self, file=None):
Get information about the data inside a SOFA-file
Prints the values of all attributes and variables with six or less
entries and the shapes and type of all numeric and string variables.
When printing the values of arrays, single dimensions are discarded for
easy of display, i.e., an array of shape (1, 3, 2) will be displayed as
an array of shape (3, 2).
file : str
Full path of a file under which the information is to be stored in
plain text. The default ``None`` only print the information to the
# Header of inspect-print
info_str = (
f"{self._file.getncattr('SOFAConventions')} "
f"{self._file.getncattr('SOFAConventionsVersion')} "
f"(SOFA version {self._file.getncattr('Version')})\n")
info_str += "-" * len(info_str) + "\n"
# information for attributes
for attr in self._file.ncattrs():
value = self._file.getncattr(attr)
sofar_attr = f"GLOBAL_{attr}"
info_str += sofar_attr + ' : ' + str(value) + '\n'
# information for variables
for key in self._file.variables.keys():
# get values, shape and dimensions
data = self._file[key]
shape = data.shape
dimensions = data.dimensions
# add variable name to info-string
info_str += key.replace('.', '_') + ' : '
# pad shape if required (trailing single dimensions are
# discarded following the numpy default)
while len(shape) < len(dimensions):
shape += (1, )
# add value for scalars
if data.size == 1:
info_str += str(data[:][0]) + '\n'
# Handle multidimensional data
# make verbose shape, e.g., '(M=100, R=2, N=128, '
shape_verbose = "("
for s, d in zip(shape, dimensions):
shape_verbose += f"{d}={s}, "
# add shape information
info_str += shape_verbose[:-2] + ")\n"
# add value information if not too much
if data.size < 7:
info_str += " " + \
str(np.squeeze(data[:])).replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n"
# Add variable-attributes to info string (e.g. 'Type' or 'Units)
for att_ in [a for a in self._file[key].ncattrs()]:
info_str += (key.replace('.', '_') + f'_{att_} : '
+ getattr(data, att_) + '\n')
# write to text file
if file is not None:
with open(file, 'w') as f_id:
f_id.write(info_str + "\n")
# print to console